Oct. 17 – Oct. 30, 2017:
This week’s horoscopes are dedicated to…
The foursome of “Britains” I met at the Monestario Café, deep in the Andes Mountains of Cusco, Peru, last Thursday night. I was writing in the corner of the cafe when two couples entered. They were laughing and having a great time. A Pisces, a Capricorn, a Virgo and a Gemini. Guess which one pulled me into the conversation? (Gemini). The couples have been friends for 40 years. They met as expats in South Africa, where the men worked for a mining company. Now retired, they’ve shared a lot of adventures together — through Asia, Europe, Africa and now South America.
The New Moon is in LIBRA opposite Uranus in ARIES. This combination makes me think of a rebellious, eccentric explorer who has teamed up with a crew of like-minded cronies to start something freshly unexpected. Anything is possible with this group of creative, geniuses who want to forge a new path for humanity. It’s an adventure that will be full of surprises.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
The Seventh House is where we find partnership, Aries. And, although “partnership” is not supposed to come naturally to you, part of your life process involves incorporating a touch of Libra into your life. That is to say: a touch of diplomacy, a touch of honoring the needs, wants, feelings and wishes of others. This week, you have the opportunity to start something new in the Seventh House of partnership. I wonder what that’s going to be. Will you partner with a philosopher? Will you partner with a foreign person in a distant land? Will you partner with someone who expands your mind in ways you never thought possible? Will you make a long-term commitment to someone you love?
Aries, your gift is the ability to do things on your own, to be the explorer of uncharted territory — to be the first to do, think and experience all sorts of things. You’re the leader of the leaders, the one who starts the show. The one who calls out the idea into the great infinite expanse of it all… This isn’t because you thought about it so much, but because the idea or feeling just came to you, like a spark, a light, or an uncontrollable surge of love, emerging from the sea where we lose our sense of individual things. You find the things we’ve lost value for. You wage battle for the underdog — or the things we never knew existed — and you say, “Look! It’s beautiful! It’s worthy of fighting for!”
The last seven years, you may have been unpredictable and rebellious. You may have started new thing after new thing, and jumped here and there. Perhaps, you’ve surprised and shocked us with your actions — and perhaps — as you’ve tried new things, you’ve been more detached and individualistic than usual. By mid-2018, I think this unpredictable revolutionary trend of yours will calm, and your nerves will finally relax.
In the meantime, on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017, this wild, unpredictable streak that you’ve been riding so adventurously has a higher chance of linking up with a like-minded soul or multiple likeminded souls. This person, or these people, could help you expand your viewpoint toward the positive perspectives – in a steady and practical way – and they will appreciate your “unconventional” flair. Also, I wonder if this new partner or partners will make the first move?
As an alternative interpretation, Aries: Maybe you’re in a unique position this week to bring a new and lasting sense of peace, balance and harmony to your life — and to the way you get along with others.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
Jupiter has moved into your Seventh House of partnerships, Taurus, and it will stay there for the next 12 months. This means that you’re going to feel more hopeful than ever when you’re dealing with others on a long-term, continual basis. Partnership implies “commitment.” That means, during the next 12 months, you could find luck and prosperity — and a sense of joy — in your dealings with others. Your Seventh House falls in the sign of Scorpio, so I imagine that the people you partner with (friends, lovers, business people) tend to stick around for the long haul and they can have a profoundly transformative effect on you.
The deeper you commit, and the more passionately you engage your partners, the more lasting they are. It can get intense, yes, and it can be risky and scary to “go there” with another person, I know. Sometimes, I imagine it may feel safer and cozier for Taurus to be alone for that reason. If you’ve been that kind of Taurus, though, during the next 12 months you will be more attracted to partnership, and taking the plunge. Will you get married? Will you enjoy your current marriage or relationship more? Will you establish other kinds of bonds with others that feel good?
As for the New Moon (or Black Moon as some call it), which happens on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017… It’s happening in your Sixth House of daily tasks and daily activities. The New Moon always brings tremendous energy to START something. It’s like you’re standing at the top of the stairs with your Slinky, about to set it off. What daily ritual, daily task, daily habit do you want to form? Does it involve a partner? Even better… The 6th House also deals with health and the body too, so you might start a new health practice or some way of organizing yourself and your environment in a way that’s better aligned with the practical needs of daily life.
Finally, whatever new, daily habits you start — whether it’s going for a run, drinking green smoothies, meditating in the mornings, cleaning your house better, or starting a routine for keeping track of your taxes — let them be divinely inspired, enlightened and perhaps a little shocking. Can you find a way to infuse the never-ending compassion of God into your daily life, Taurus? How do your daily life habits alleviate the suffering of your fellow human beings? Just in case it doesn’t feel comfortable pushing the Slinky off the top step — if you feel less than confident about it — move forward with this awkward feeling anyway, with caution, practicality and lasting determination.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
You could be an incredible artist, Gemini, and maybe you already are. But if you’re not, I would imagine it’s because you have so many brilliant ideas that come and go, and with this rapid ebb and flow, perhaps you can’t decide on the one you want to express. Or, maybe you’re so enamored by other artists that you think, “Who me? How could I ever be that good?”
This makes me wonder: Does Gemini have a latent artist inside him/her? An artist who gets paralyzed by indecisiveness, or an artist who cares so much about — and is so enamored by — other people’s artistry that Gemini can’t find his or her own artistic voice? This isn’t true for all Gemini’s, but it’s probably true for some.
Fortunately for Gemini, the New Moon on Oct. 19, 2017, happens in your Fifth House of Creativity, Children and Love Affairs. More importantly, this is the House of Fun! Which makes me want to ask, what are you doing for fun? How are you expressing the creativity inside you? Can you choose something new to start, just for the absolute fun of it this week? The astrological omens say that you’re going to have more steadfast resolve than usual to start something fun and stick with it.
Because the Fifth House deals with love (as in the love-bliss of a new affair), it may be possible that unpaired Geminis start a new romance this week. Or, maybe Gemini’s with significant others will feel the spark of romance and love blossoming with the sense of “new beginnings” in their long-term love partnerships. At the very least, Gemini, we can safely say that it’s time for you to start something new — just for the pure fun of it. I’m not saying to ignore practicality completely. However, this fun thing needs to blossom out of your pure enjoyment. What do you love, love, love, love, love doing Gemini? Go out there and start doing it!!
If it feels awkward getting the ball moving on this fun thing, don’t let that feeling stop you. It might feel like this, “Who am I to devote time and energy into this selfish act of pure enjoyment?” However, this feeling of insecurity should be expected (with Mars opposite the Wounded Healer, Chiron, and squaring Saturn right now). To me, it implies that, if you put one awkward foot in front of the other, in the name of pure FUN, while staying practical about it and not getting yourself into trouble, you will experience a healing of some kind.
Are you worried that making more room for fun, more room for love — or more room for creative artistic expression — will hurt your career or reputation? Or maybe it just feels too selfish? Well, ruffle some feathers if you have to. The time is ripe for you to turn the knob up on your fun/love/creativity meter. This week, start something that consistently brings joy to your heart in a permanent, practical and lasting way.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
Imagine Superman. He was the fierce warrior on the job — putting out fires, saving lives and doing the good work. But eventually, the world would overwhelm him and he needed to retreat to his Crystal Castle, the “Fortress of Solitude,” where he would commune with the spirit of his family for guidance and support when he was weary, tired and confused. There, he would rediscover the love at the core of who he is.
The coming New Moon, on Oct. 19, 2017, is just for you Cancer. It’s happening in your Fourth House of home and family. The Fourth House also represents how you meet your needs and your sense of security. With every New Moon, you get an influx of lasting momentum that you can apply to start something. Is there a home remodeling project you have in mind? Can you begin something that helps you feel more secure? Perhaps you’ll be more focused on your family this week and in the days ahead. Since the New Moon is in Libra, exactly Opposite Uranus in Aries, I wonder if you’re facing the dilemma of how you can honor the needs of your family/home life while — at the same time — balancing the unique demands of your career.
Maybe you have the perfect idea in mind. Some new and rebellious way of spearheading your agenda forward in the career space — which has a way of balancing the needs of your family life. It will be different for every person, and maybe some Cancers are already balanced while others have their work/life balance so far out of sync that you’re encountering friction right now — like these two areas of life are competing with each other.
Should you be the work-a-holic eccentric who moves forward with what *YOU* want in your career… Or should you be the balanced mom/dad who deserves just as much time for family as you do for career? If you don’t relate. I’d like to ask: Have you created a cozy home that you love to spend time in? Do you have a “safe cocoon” where you can retreat and feel warm and cozy? Remember Superman?
If you know what your Crystal Castle — your restful and supportive place — feels like, but you don’t have it yet, take the steps necessary to create it. If you feel or believe that you can’t, I urge you to proceed in spite of any awkwardness or insecurity. Like a wounded Superman, if you don’t already have your Fortress of Solitude (where you can feel nurtured by your loved ones), do what it takes to restore balance and harmony in the places that protect and nurture your sense of safety in the world.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
If I had something to communicate to the world, Leo, I want you to be the one to do it. That’s because, when you shine, everybody sees it. You give light to the room in a way that everyone turns to notice. You get our attention because you bring the fun factor, and who doesn’t want more fun in their lives? Many of us live for the moments when we finish work, and go out to do something that we enjoy. When you’re shining right, you’re the embodiment of fun, Leo. The Peter Pan of the zodiac, enjoying every second — making jokes and laughing — because life is playing! That’s why, if I had something to communicate, I want you to do it for me. You’re going to make it big, amusing and entertaining so everyone listens.
What do you want to say this week, LEO?! What do you want to communicate this week? Is the thing you want to communicate so rebellious, so weird and so “cray-cray” different that you’re worried what other people are going to think?
+++++The New Moon happens in the sign of Libra, in your Third House of communication, on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017. The New Moon is perfectly opposite Uranus, in your Ninth House of philosophy and ideas.+++++
Your words have a harmonious, seductive, attractive quality to them that leaves everyone begging for more. You’re so charming in the way that you communicate — and this can relate to how you write, speak, move your body, gesture and how you seduce your lovers with perfect words…
But what if the thing you want to say is so big, so explosive and SHOCKING that it’s going ruffle someone’s feathers and potentially embarrass you? Or, maybe it’s going to ruffle everyone’s feathers, but it will serve a bigger good. Can you find a way to deliver this “unexpected, eccentric, and pushy” message with charisma and charm, so people like it — and still love you? If anyone can do this, I know you can, Leo. You’re uniquely suited to the job.
Finally: If you’re feeling awkward at all this week — like you can’t push forward with your agenda — try to do it in a steady, classy, conservative, controlled and practical manner. It might feel like you can’t do it. Perhaps you’ve got one foot on the brake and one on the gas at the same time. However, if you cautiously and diligently move forward in spite of the awkwardness, you (and your people) will benefit in the end.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
Dear Virgo, I am thinking about what you’ve been doing to radically change your internal psychological makeup — the secret, intimate parts of your life. These areas could feel frightening in their never-ending depth and intensity, but during the last seven years, you’ve had the planet of change — a.k.a., the planet of rebellion, the planet of shocking, unexpected enlightenment — passing through your Eighth House of secrets.
This could mean that, on the outside, you don’t look that different. But to those of us with the sensitivity to see beneath the surface, into the more shadowy recesses of the human psyche, we notice that you have undergone a radical, interior transformation. To achieve this transmutation, you had to adopt a style of “attack” that was revolutionary, freedom-loving, for-the-good-of-all-mankind, impersonal, rational and scientific.
You’ve had to face the ugliest bits of yourself that you wanted to hide from the world in this process. However, I think you’re now coming to the end of this “purging” conversion of your shadow. It’s my hope that, now, you’re waving your revolutionary flag high inside yourself, and that you feel a sense of freedom from the terrifying psychological monsters that used to plague you. It’s clear to me that — even if there are a few more things for you to take care of — this battle has largely been fought and this seven-year trend will be coming to an end in May 2018. Hopefully, you’ve recently been noticing the enduring nature of the changes.
This week, on Thursday, Oct. 19, comes a New Moon in your Second House of beliefs, possessions and finances. The New Moon always signifies a new beginning or a starting of something new. Considering everything that I said above, I think it’s time for you to consider how — after the depth of psychological “shadow” transformation you’ve achieved — your beliefs could be prime for revision. Is there a new belief you can adopt right now, Virgo? Jupiter will be close enough to the New Moon that it could help you adopt a more expanded, spiritual or philosophical belief about life or yourself.
I’m not asking you to “invent” something out of thin air, Virgo. I’m asking you to look back over the last seven years and to recognize what you’ve achieved. Does this evidence bring a practical truth about yourself to the forefront? This truth will feel profound, self-evident and it will radically transform your sense of self-confidence regarding what you are capable of achieving — as an individual — in your most secret places.
Remember: You waged battle, and made significant changes to yourself secretly, without any need for external congratulations. How cool is that? Only you (and maybe your closest confidants) are the ones who’ve noticed. If no one has come forward to congratulate you, it doesn’t mean that you haven’t achieved something incredible. Pat yourself on the back. True recognition of our achievements — and validation — comes from within.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
This week’s New Moon energy comes to your First House of new beginnings. No matter what your sign, every New Moon cycle is excellent for getting something started. Most astrologers would agree that the New Moon vibrations will be with us, from the date of the New Moon — Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 — through about five days after. Because this cycle will activate your First House, I am very curious to know what you want to get off the ground, Libra.
I say “want” because you might not feel confident about pushing through a wall of resistance that’s getting in the way of giving birth to this thing in the physical world. Starting something requires putting one foot in front of the other, but what if your feet hurt? What if you have a sprained ankle and someone has given you a pair of cement shoes?
Consider this: What if what you want and what you’re attracted to is in perfect alignment with your highest Self and “Soul Purpose,” and you can feel it with your entire body and spirit. What if your deepest yearning says, “THIS IS IT!” but your would-be partners are resisting, and your basic need to put food on the table is saying, “You’re going to be totally screwed if you do that!” Part of you might feel like this, Libra. But the New Moon is here. And it has a revolutionary spirit that’s saying, “Let’s blow it up. Let’s break the rules. Let’s find a way to start this thing in spite of the resistance because (WOW!) it’s going to be a positive, good, joyous and prosperous thing!”
I don’t know what resistance you’re actually facing. I can only describe the abstractions. I think you’re tying to do the following things at the same time:
- Honor your need for security, your need to feel safe, your need for planning, and your need to be cautious and take things slow.
- Honor the awkward complaints, concerns, winnings, insecurities, hurts and wounds of your partners.
- Honor the deep yearning behind what you want to do. Honor the intuitive energy you have at your disposal to take a leap of faith into the unknown without thinking (while still honoring 1 and 2).
If you can do all of the above at the same time, you’ll have achieved an incredible balancing act, the likes of which only a true Libran is capable of pulling off.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
I’m calling you, Scorpio. From the sea of human suffering. We all get lost in it from time to time. We play so close to the infinite and tumultuous sea of emotion — where waves of ecstasy, bliss and tragedy flow side by side — that sometimes we fall right in. If you look deep enough into the stars at night, you can see the same. The black abyss, intermingled with sparkling points of beautiful light. Can we get confused about who we are in this sea? Can we get lost there, not remembering who we are, or how we ever ended up in this place?
Imagine the eternal optimist in the face of every fact that tries to prove otherwise. Imagine the boat captain, who slips deep into the bowels of his ship, when the storm reaches its climax, because that’s the only place where the crashing waves don’t seem to hit so hard. It’s the balance point, right above the keel at the very middle of the hull. A weightless point where, if he gets it just right, he can pretend the storm isn’t there anymore.
The captain could stay there forever, never to emerge, and eventually, he’d sink with his ship. But that’s not what happens this time. In the peace of this space, he gets a glimpse of truth, of inspiration (of God?). It lights his flame again, and he wakes right up. He remembers where he is, and he climbs up to the deck of the ship to take the helm. The storm has passed, the Sun is bridging the horizon in the distance. It warms his heart, and all he can do is cry the tears he was holding back during that long, cold and stormy night.
Later, on shore, he meets with his landlubber friends and says, “It’s hard to believe how we can emerge from such a deep and dangerous place and live to tell the tale.”
Is there anything you’re feeling that needs to see the light of day, Scorpio? Is there any part of you that yearns to express its individuality? The New Moon, On Oct. 19, 2017, happens in your Twelfth House. This house symbolizes the dark and stormy night voyage of the sailor — trapped in the emotional waters of the ocean, not knowing where they will lead. With the stars blacked out, he doesn’t know where his Northpoint is. Maybe he’s blinded by the tears of knowing that his suffering is no different from anyone else’s, and we’re all in this boat together?
But the New Moon brings the spark of initiation. It’s a burst of energy. A wake up to individual expression. A “coming out to smell the roses.” The ability to rise up as a unique individual — right out of the confusion and disorganization.
Try listening for the yearning, found deep in your chest, this Thursday. And during days that follow, take five to fifteen minutes here and there (or just some time that feels appropriate) to be quiet and alone. State your OWN choice. What YOU want. Say it like this “I want to _______.” “I wish to _______.” Keep your choice simple, and feel the power that you have to take action.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
I’m guessing, Sagittarius, that you’re ready to feel free again — after the last couple years of feeling like Mr. Serious. I think you’ll start feeling freer again at the end of December 2017, when Saturn (the so-called old man of the zodiac) moves out of your sign into Capricorn.
Old Man Saturn, the planet of restriction, used to represent the limits of our known solar system. He is the symbol of conservativism, the old ways of doing things, and the laws that we must follow, or else, face the consequences. We can’t just go to parties all day, stuff ourselves with pastries and laugh like Santa Claus while we joyfully skip across the globe, nonchalant and carefree. Eventually, Saturn will say we can’t do it anymore — in the form of a canceled credit card, a weight problem, an addiction or a divorce perhaps? He is the “reality check” and he’s not easy on Sag.
But, Sagittarius, out of all the signs, you’re the most likely to get away with it. Your ruler is Jupiter, the big jolly giant who brings expansion, joy, gifts, presents (dangerous levels of indulgence) and good times to all. At the very least, Sagittarius wants to feel free and expansive in his or her heart. Why am I telling you this, Sagittarius? Because Saturn is in your sign, so you’ve probably been feeling serious, restricted and so forth…
Have faith and see the big picture Sagittarius (you’re the best at doing that). Saturn has taught you some valuable lessons, and although they weren’t easy, I think they’re assisting with “The Revolution.” You know, the one that’s happening right now in the news that’s bringing everybody together for good or for bad? Yes, thatRevolution.
The higher level of seriousness and focus brought to you by Saturn is just what we need right now because — your community can’t afford for you to be carefree and completely nonchalant. We need your support in telling us why expansion and big-picture optimism are necessary. Right now, more than ever, it’s necessary for our survival to maintain the long view, to look ahead, and to know that better days are coming.
The New Moon, on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017, happens in your Eleventh House of community, egalitarian pursuits, future technologies and ways to benefit the global humanity. As such, the New Moon aligns you with the communities you’re a part of. It’s time to start something that will benefit the people.
For you, this might involve the FUSION of the following:
- A piece of surprising, shocking, revolutionary genius born from creative expression (or even related to children) over the last seven years. This is something you arrived at through surprising and unexpected play (born out of unconventional, unselfish love). It could be your child, or it could be your creative expression that you’ve brought into the world from a place of joy
- Something new you hope to start, share, build for the good of your fellow man — a.k.a. for purely egalitarian reasons. This relates to the balance, harmony and peace you hope to see in the communities you belong to.
If you can see the future, Sagittarius, or the path that will get us there. Take our hands and walk us right into it. We’re ready for your help!
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
I wish I could tell you to take a break this week, Capricorn. I wish I could say to drop everything and go on a vacation, to smell the roses in distant lands, and forget about the responsibilities you’re carrying on your back. A very big part of me wants to tell you this because I’m a Capricorn too and I’ve been burning the midnight oil. However, instead of trying to convince you to take time off, I want to convince you of this: Can you start something new this week that helps you achieve more balance, peace and harmony in your career — or in the way you’re seen in the world?
The New Moon on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017, happens in your Tenth House of career, fame and reputation. The Tenth House is home to your highest ambitions for climbing the proverbial mountain of “success” — whatever this means to you.
Some say Jesus was a Capricorn. They say he climbed the holy mountain to commune with God. Elvis Presley and David Bowie (born on the same day 12 years apart) were also Capricorns. They climbed to the highest peaks of musical success. All three of these guys were a little weird, unique, strange, surprising and revolutionary, right? They made their mark and rose to the top because they removed the filter on what they wanted to express… Yes, they ruffled some feathers and many people ended up not liking them. However, it was their unique, eccentric brilliance — and their way of delivering that genius with artistry, class, harmony and charming style — that made them famous.
I’m not saying you want to be famous, Capricorn, but if you can find a way of fusing your quirky, unique individualism — with your reputation for classy, charming, hardworking and career oriented focus… Well, that would be a pretty awesome this week — especially on Oct. 19, and the five days that follow. Let your freak flag fly — let your rebellious and creative eccentricities be seen — with harmony and grace, and I think it’s going to help your career (a.k.a., your highest ambitions in the world).
Just remember Capricorn: This new thing is bringing balance and harmony to your career life. If you’ve been burning the midnight oil like me, check to see if there’s something you can change that allows you to feel more at peace in your career/reputation. Perhaps it’s area you’ve been overdoing, which you can alleviate with a bit of genius, eccentricity and revolutionary action – by stylishly peacocking your unique and quirky self.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
I’m not afraid to tell you that I saved you for last, Aquarius. That’s because, out of all the signs, you don’t mind having the “limelight” given to someone else — as long as you can stand to the side and observe and study us, and as long as we let you be your unique and eccentric self.
Aquarius doesn’t choose his or her path based on the “correct” ideas of other people. You choose your path based on what’s correct for YOU… And, while you’re at it, you tend to rationally and diplomatically consider the planet as a whole, the larger group of humanity, and what’s good for the community. That is, if you are truly shining your Aquarian Sun.
The New Moon, at 26 degrees Libra, happens this Thursday, on Oct. 19, 2017. It’s aligned closely to your Midheaven (a.k.a. your career/reputation point). The New Moon happens in your Ninth House of Philosophy and Higher Education. Think “Mind Expanding Theories,” foreign places, foreign ideas, and foreign perspectives.
I wonder if you’re going to be thrust into the limelight so to speak, as a result this New Moon. You — who’d rather not be the center of attention — may have all eyes upon you. The New Moon also brings the energy to start something. Can you take a step forward in your career? Perhaps, take a brave and surprising move that no one expected, or do something that involves being seen? I’m not saying that you should invent this out of thin air and jump without thinking, but maybe you should — at the very least — think about any new developments that might be present in your career/reputation. If you know what these are, and they’re aligned with how you’re yearning to express yourself in the world, then this Thursday and the five days that follow, would be a great time to start diligently planning. Organize the safe and practical steps it will take to do/express this thing. Stay positive, open-minded, and don’t worry if you feel awkward or unconfident. Perhaps you will soon be shining as the rebel-genius who takes action for the betterment of mankind.
As a final word: The slow, cautious mover is the one who wins the race. Take your time and plan the revolutionary change in your career/reputation with conservative practicality. I’ll be curious to know what’s going on for you in these areas on Thursday and the days that follow, Aquarius.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Horoscopes for the week of Oct. 17, 2017 to Oct. 30, 2017:
The New Moon in Libra happens on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017, in your Eighth House of deeply intimate connections. This brings activity to your Eighth House, which deals with psychological exploration, spiritual/sexual union and other people’s resources. It also deals with your secret life and transformative experiences. The New Moon brings momentum to start something new in this area.
The Eighth House is aligned with the “Tower” in the tarot deck, which can signify the process of letting go of something we value, or something we’re clinging to that needs to die away. Through this process, we’re transformed. It doesn’t feel good — but it brings about the energy of rebirth so we’re in brighter alignment with who we really are.
Although this sounds serious, your mindset will be positive and expansive. Bring this expanded mindset with you into the shadows of your Eighth House, as you explore these secret places. With your big-picture viewpoint, you won’t get lost in difficult psychological patterns in the same way as before. Shine the flashlight of optimism on the secret, embarrassing parts of yourself. Observe the things that wouldn’t be appropriate for others to see and watch them alchemically change. Perhaps you’ll consider a past sexual relationship, a previous painful experience, or something transformative that’s happening to you right now. Just by observing — without judgment — and by looking for the silver lining, you can begin to see how this experience serves a purpose.
It’s okay if it’s ugly. It’s okay if it’s screwed up. It’s okay if you wish it were better. You can pierce through it now — like a pinprick through the black sky. Pierce into the light of your Self Discovery — to the source truth that saves and redeems you. Try to let your heart be touched and filled with the idealism and harmony of your perfect dream come true. No matter what it is, or may have been, find the light of that dream — found in the deepest shadows and hidden places of your psyche — and let it transform you.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.