9.25.2017 – 10.1.2017
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
I know you’re doing your best right now to make “the dream” real, Aries. You’re taking the practical, everyday steps needed to bring your imaginings into reality. At least, that’s what I hope you’re doing. It’s possible that you got so lost in the dream that you forgot the practical steps required – and you might not be aware of it. Or, maybe you’re too sad and too emotional to put one foot in front of the other. Then again, it could be that someone else’s emotional pain or inability to look at reality is affecting you, and distracting you.
So, Aries, are you doing all your chores in spite of the swirling chaos that could be distracting you? Are you keeping a clear, practical and realistic mind right now in spite of it all? This week, in particular, may be philosophically challenging for you as you try to keep the dream warm in spite of a “reality” that’s throwing a cold bucket of water on it. You’re not the only one who will be feeling the emotional squeeze this week, but in your case, the “squeeze” may be affecting your philosophy. If you happen to feel stuck, maybe the following metaphor can help…
Imagine this: You’re engaged in the tedious work to fulfill your beautiful dream, but your body feels weak, you feel sad, and it feels like life isn’t fair. Things are chaotic, and they don’t make practical sense. This prompts you to consult a wise, but stodgy old man for advice.
The old man says: “You’ve got it wrong, don’t you see? Who cares if you got lost? Who cares if the world is cray-cray and sad? Who cares if your dream isn’t “real” yet? Zoom out and take the long view. Adjust your emotional state to the positive. It’s all headed toward goodness, don’t you see?” But you don’t see. So the old man starts twisting your arm, and it hurts. The pain gets worse and worse… He whispers in your ear and says, “Are you ready to be happy yet? Are you ready to feel optimistic yet?” With tears in your eyes, you say, “YES! YES! I’m happy! I’m happy!”
The old man says, “I can’t hear you!” And that’s when something shifts. You let go of the pain, the sadness, the chaos, the judgment, the whatever. And honestly, you feel happy. You see the big picture. The old man lets go and says, “Well, done grasshopper. Well, done.”
Can you whistle while you work this week, Aries? Can you take care of the details with joy, as you make the dream real? Can you understand that whatever you feel right now, you’re learning and it’s going to benefit you in the long run?
Here’s an extra trick: If you get into an emotional jam this week, talk about it. Talk about it with your best friend, with your long-term lover, or just write it down. Verbalize and communicate what you’re dealing with. It will help you get back in touch with yourself and gain clarity on the dream you’re making real.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Taurus, I wonder if these two things are going on for your right now:
- Perhaps you’ve been a little more rebellious and freedom-loving of late. A little more unique and different, or desirous of surprising change. Perhaps you feel like an aloof, independent, detached rebel who fights for the good of humankind.
- It’s possible that you’re also having an expansive, happy, prosperous, joyous feeling when you’re with your partner – either your business partners, long-term friends or long-term love partner.
Can you balance these two principals, Taurus? Can you be the eccentric rebel who wants to fight for egalitarian causes, while not being so self-centered, self-directed and outlandish in this regard that you forget to honor the needs and desires of the long-term partnerships that bring you joy and prosperity?
Uranus (the rebel, genius, eccentric, planet of destabilization and unexpected change) is on the point that represents you as an individual, your physical body and your appearance. Jupiter (the gregarious, prosperous, lucky, expansive planet of joy) is on the point that represents your partnerships and partners. How does the revolutionary-eccentric — who does his own thing — benefit from the joy and increased prosperity of bending to the needs of his partner?
You’ll be learning from this dynamic until around May 2018, give or take a month. Here’s a tip for balancing this trend: Whatever rebellious changes you’re going through on an individual/appearance level, see to it that they’re sensible, realistic and long-lasting in nature. Also, make sure the changes are more than skin-deep. In other words, you’re not just putting on a tie-dye shirt and saying you’re a hippie. You’re not just a rebel without a cause. You’re the real enchilada.
The rebel is authentic to him or herself regardless what others think. The rebel raises the freak flag and lets it fly. It might be a conservative, born-again Christian sitting in a meditation circle with a group of new-age, crystal-wearing Buddhists – who politely asks, “What would Jesus do?” It might be the opposite. Or, maybe it’s an environmentalist with all the facts to support global warming – who is meeting with the president to make a case for new environmental protections.
Anybody can be the weirdo-rebel. But can you do it with finesse, balance and class so that your partners come on board with your seemingly wacky ideas?
Think of an absent-minded inventor who partners with a financially-grounded financier to bring a new technology to market. Think of the wild-man revolutionary, Che Guevara, who teamed up with the gregarious and much-loved leader, Fidel Castro (I know everybody has a different opinion about these characters, but you get the idea).
You can do it, Taurus. Nobody is kinder, sweeter, and more steadfastly-resolute about pursuing what needs to be done than you. So, as you’re putting on the rainbow war paint, or looking a little more unique than normal, keep an eye out for those that take notice. Look for the ones who want to support your cause, and listen to what they have to say.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Have you been more serious about your long-term partnerships the last couple years Gemini? It’s like you’re experiencing criticism in these areas – perhaps you’re critical of them, or they’re critical of you. Maybe you ended a relationship or two that no longer served you. Maybe a business partner, a friend, or a lover isn’t in your life anymore.
Saturn has been in your 7th House of partnerships, bringing seriousness and criticism to this area. At times, Astrologers depict Saturn as the grim reaper. With his scythe, he cuts out the weeds that need to go. After two years of Saturn in your 7th house, what’s left are the meaningful and important partnerships. The ones that are truly there for you – to give you the mind-expanding perspectives you crave.
Just as the 7th House represents your long-term lovers and friends, it also represents your long-term open enemies. Not the hidden ones, but the ones you know are there. This makes me want to ask, Gemini, “Are you loving who you’re hating?”
This week, Gemini, I think you’ll be feeling the emotional support of the partners that survived the “cull.” I also want you to think about your open enemies and how – having them around – may have helped you feel free, expansive and good.
I want you to sink into your emotional body this week and genuinely feel how your long-standing partners fulfill your needs. And, if they’re not fulfilling them, let them know (very nicely and sweetly) what you need from them.
Everybody will feel a bit emotionally squeezed this week if they’re not keeping a hopeful outlook. For you, the focus is on your partnerships. The criticism, the “should’s,” and the feeling that “this is not right” will be present for you. In fact, you could be feeling more critical than ever. Look out for unexpected feelings like this. And, when you feel this way, remember to ask yourself the question: “Am I loving who I’m hating?”
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
This week, Cancer, the Moon will conjunct Saturn. As such, you could be feeling emotionally stuck, especially on Tuesday.
Cancer is the most nurturing and sensitive of the signs. You’ve “got the feels,” and that’s why we love you. You make warm milk for us when we’re sad, and you tuck us into bed at night. You wrap us in your big warm, fluffy wings until the scary monsters go away and we fall peacefully asleep.
Cancer, your ruler is the Moon, who is the mother of our emotional body. Approximately every 28 days, she passes by Saturn, the planet of practicality, diligence, restriction and “the reality check” that doesn’t feel good. Saturn says to your emotions, “Stop crying, you baby. Work needs to get done! Grow up, shape up, stiffen that upper lip. Being alive is boot camp, and we don’t have time for sniffles. Express your emotions the proper way and keep up appearances, will you?” This happens on the night of Tuesday, Sept. 26 if you’re in the United States.
They say you’re sensitive, Cancer. They say you’ve got a happy phase, a sad phase, a wacky phase, an aggressive phase, an unpredictable phase, etc., etc. And you go through all of them once per month. So what?! This is probably because your ruler, the Moon (mother of the subconscious, emotional world and mother to us all) is the fastest moving point in the heavens. Each month, she zips through the different Astrological signs, which have their own unique flavor. She touches the different planets, which also have their unique expressions. Like a mother hen, you are so in tune with the zeitgeist, Cancer, always checking in with us (whether you like it or not). You know us all. You know how we’re feeling. Because you’ve truly felt it all.
Like a mother hen, you are so in tune with the zeitgeist, Cancer, always checking in with us (whether you like it or not). You know us all. You know how we’re feeling. Because you’ve truly felt it all.
I bet the last couple years have seen you taking a close, critical look at your everyday life and everyday work. You’ve probably made changes — to your health practices and daily routines, and daily work, etc. You’ve adjusted your daily habits and life rituals to better reflect who you are and what you want this part of life to feel like.
Here’s a tip: This week, when Mother Moon conjuncts Saturn – and you’re feeling what isn’t right in your daily world – please allow yourself the space to simply be in a judgment-free zone. Honor your experience during the past two years and all that you’ve diligently done. Remember: this feeling isn’t so much about you… it’s about the Zeitgeist and the changes we’re going through (that’s not to say it isn’t touching you personally). The technology, the future, it’s changing what we do every day and how we live our lives. People are in subconscious reaction to this, acting weird, and it’s not so warm and cozy to you, Cancer. Please keep being present for us, and help us feel, expand and process our emotions.
As you soften your internal rules, regulations, judgments and criticisms about how you’re feeling this week, you will help your community – and humankind – to do the same.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Leo, I imagine you’ve been more serious of late about how you express your creativity and love and how you like to have fun. It’s also possible you’ve felt limited here, or you’ve noticed how you’re limited in this department.
Have you been working hard for the last couple years to express your heart’s desire? Has this shown up in surprising new love affairs or artistic/creative endeavors that are more lasting and enduring? Or has this appeared as a dry-spell in love and creativity due to your seriousness about avoiding “wham-bam-thank-you-ma’am” affairs, and/or refusing to participate in superficial, non-enduring, non-artistic expression?
This week, you could be feeling hyper-aware of all this seriousness (especially on Tuesday night, U.S. time). You might be feeling critical of your art, your love and your ability to be joyful and playful. Maybe you’re feeling shyer than usual too — like a person or external situation is preventing you from shining like you normally do – and this is making you feel wounded and not as cheerful and fun.
This criticism and shyness may prompt you to get out the calculator, add up the numbers, make a plan, create a structure, make sure it’s practical and write it all down. You might try to strategize a secure foundation for enjoyment, love, fun and creative expression.
I encourage you to do this but please keep the following mind: When fun becomes mandatory – when fun becomes planned – is it even fun!!?? Weird Al named his last album “Mandatory Fun” and your Astrological situation reminded me of that phrase. I didn’t find any videos from the album that fit your situation, exactly, but I did find this one. Do you think you could be as goofy and funny as that video without judging yourself this week?
Avoid attaching “shoulds” to fun. Just let go, do your art, and do your love affair in whatever way brings you pleasure. The more unique your self-expression — and the more it reflects the most eccentric part of your personality – the more long-lasting it will be. Maybe it’s tacky, maybe it’s goofy, maybe it’s loud, maybe it’s a little embarrassing — and maybe it serves absolutely no practical purpose except for your enjoyment.
Let’s recap: Make your lists and plans, Leo. Be practical and responsible. But don’t forget the spontaneous, loud, fun and sparkling entertainer that you are. Be big, shiny, unpredictable (maybe a little weird and maybe a little tacky) and be responsible and reasonable at the very same time. Just don’t let the serious side of you judge the way you like to have fun, and don’t let external situations snuff your warm and beautiful heart.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Did last week’s new Moon help you put your foot forward in a new direction, or assist you to assert yourself and know what you want, Virgo? Are you feeling the jolt of energy in your personality and the way you step forward in the world? Are you feeling more physically vigorous and more competitive and confident than usual?
It’s possible that you’ll feel, in the coming weeks, like you’ve got one foot on the gas pedal and the other on the brake. Your past upbringing, your family history or your current family/home situation could be controlling the brake. Is something from your history affecting your quick-thinking analysis of what’s going on?
Maybe you’re trying to assert your agenda and it’s getting lost in the foggy sea of chaos that surrounds you. Don’t worry, teveryone is experiencing a version of this right now. But in your case, it could feel personal.
Perhaps external forces – your long-term partners in particular – aren’t giving you the clarity you want. As you bounce your ideas off them, you aren’t getting a clear reflection. Or, you’re getting a response that isn’t realistic, or it’s based on insecurities.
Out of all the signs, you’re the one who likes things clean, ordered, practical, useful and perfect. You might be tempted to point a bubble-bursting finger at the foggy perspectives of your partner. Instead, I urge you to stay kind and sensitive and help this person or situation get organized and clear – not judging, but doing what needs to be done to get the precision you want.
Here’s a trick: Consider for a moment that all this – in fact – is a reflection of an internal dynamic within your psyche, Virgo. Are there some “should’s” coming up concerning your past history, your home, your family, etc? Perhaps it feels like this area of your life should be freer and more expansive, or more enjoyable and optimistic. Rather than getting stuck in criticizing what it’s not — or in how it doesn’t match the ideal — apply your practical, “Mr. Fix-it” abilities to this dilemma. Stay positive, don’t worry if it feels a little foggy or fantastical, and don’t worry if the result isn’t perfect. Do what you can.
You are more capable than any other sign to clean up surprising and unexpected problems, quickly, efficiently and effectively. “Doing what you can” – in your case — is above-and-beyond what anyone else could hope of doing in this situation.
Let me put it another way: To say that you’re “enough” in this circumstance would be an understatement. Feel that this week, Virgo. Regardless what your past says, regardless what your family or home situation reflects right now, you are enormously capable and enormously more than enough.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Last week, I asked you to communicate your desires to the community of peers that surrounds you. I wanted you to let us know what your basic, emotional needs are – because we’re eager to fulfill them right now. I also gave you permission to be more selfish than usual, and that theme continues this week.
Remember how I said you’re coming out of hiding? Right now, it’s like you’ve poked your head out of the water, after being submerged for quite some time. Your body is still under water, and you’re feeling a little groggy-headed – like you’re just waking up after a month-long sleep. Your head’s out of water, but the rest of you is still beneath the surface.
You’re like a fish. You’re poking your head out of a sea of emotions, looking around, getting your bearings but not quite ready to act. The increased clarity might sting, as you feel that something isn’t right in the relationship/partnership department. Your balancing something inside yourself — relationship wounds or perhaps the wounds of your partner. You’re feeling more confident, but you’re sleepy-eyed – while assessing the problem and how to solve it.
Here’s the good news: At the beginning of the week, you’ll have access to an emotionally positive and hopeful perspective. Try to access this on Monday, and take advantage of these positive feelings. Late Tuesday (U.S. time), you might not feel as positive. You could feel downright crappy and indecisive – like your stuck in a situation — and you can’t balance what you want versus the wounding associated with your relationships/partnerships. This could affect your ability to talk and communicate freely.
Do you feel “verklempt” on Tuesday? If you do, it seems like you’ll benefit from taking a philosophical perspective. Go on the Internet, do some research, and learn about faraway places, distant lands and/or different philosophical viewpoints that you’re drawn to.
Here’s another way to get unstuck from this feeling: Think of something surprising and unexpected that you could talk about with your special someone or best friend. Or, do something you’ve never done before with this person, something neither of you would expect. Whatever you do this week, Libra, keep your communication encouraging, upbeat and hopeful. This will be practically useful, and it could yield unexpected results in balancing you and your partners’ needs.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
I want you to take note, Scorpio, on Tuesday this week, you could feel a little hampered in the beliefs you’re stubbornly holding onto or in the financial security department. “Feel” is the operative word. More specifically, you might feel emotionally squeezed concerning the things you hold onto.
This feeling could make you want to take action to protect your possessions, your beliefs or your finances. Maybe you’ll put energy into your community, your friend-circles, and your peers – hoping that they’ll rally to support you. It’s possible that you feel like your community is judging you. Or, maybe you’re judging them. Perhaps you feel like you don’t measure up to their expectations or you don’t even belong?
What to do, Scorpio? How do you get out of this jam?
I think a bit of surrender is involved. You’re trying to hold onto your material possessions — or beliefs — and you’re feeling a strong, emotional, and nostalgic connection to them. Nevertheless, Scorpio is familiar with the theme of being passionately attached or obsessed with something and then having it taken away. Yes, the process hurts, but beauty can be found in the final release. A cathartic, orgasmic, ecstasy. It’s like, the pain gets worse and worse… And then it hurts so bad that you let go, and WOW! does that feel good.
Is there a belief, possession, etc., that you’re holding onto — and that’s making you feel this way? It could help to remember that beliefs may not be true. They’re just beliefs. You believe you’re a jerk? You think you’re not good? You believe that everyone in your community is pointing their fingers at you and saying mean things? That’s a belief, Scorpio. Let it go. Really. Because the pain only gets worse the harder you hold on.
Here’s a tip: Allow yourself to be secretive this week. Let yourself be hidden. Maybe it’s a metaphorical hiding, where you’re more private than usual. Or, try exploring the themes of deep, emotional, psychological, and/or sexual connection and communion with someone.
Let go of what you’re holding onto, relax the constrictions, relax the judgments, relax the fears, and allow the rebirthing to proceed. Can you see the silver lining? Can you see how positive this is in the long run? Can you feel the incredible beauty, and the miracle, of your own rebirth?
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
This week, Sagittarius, and especially on Tuesday evening, I think you will feel emotionally “squeezed.” In this regard, you aren’t any different than any other sign. We’re all feeling the Moon (our collective emotions and unconscious) conjunct Saturn (the planet of restriction and the principle of “let’s get real”). In your case, however, this conjunction happens in your sign, and the 1st House of your body and your ability to start new things.
I wonder if it will feel like for you: “I’m putting a lot of effort into my career, and I enjoy planning and thinking about this right now. I’m staying practical, and I’m doing everything I can to diagram and strategize it in the right way. But all this action feels like it’s getting in the way of my usual, foot-loose-and-fancy-free self.”
Sagittarius, you’re a freedom lover. We can’t put a label on you because you’re too abstract for that. So this week, as you struggle to plan, label, organize, and logically think about your career and highest ambitions, don’t forget to honor the big picture, optimistic, obscure, symbolic, and label-free person you are.
Are you dealing with the dichotomy between the mystic (who believes in everything and nothing at the same time) versus the religious scholar (who organized and classified every verse of the holy text so he can follow its rules and laws to the letter)? These two characters will have a difficult time seeing eye to eye.
It’s possible that there’s a third character moving into the mix as well. It’s the holy ideal. It’s the crystal-perfect vision of divine perfection. Maybe it’s God. Maybe it’s a dream-fantasy. Whatever it is, the dichotomy above could make the holy Ideal feel out of reach this week. With “feel” being the operative word. It won’t “feel” good and you might be “feeling” critical about that.
Here’s a tip for getting around this: Look to your long-term partner or business partner. The one who is so good at sifting through information and details. The one who’s a researcher. The one who sees all the different kinds of trees, while you’re so busy admiring the forest. It could be that your dilemma is easily solved through research, investigation and gathering helpful information. For you, Sagittarius, that is a job that you can do with your partner (business partner, love partner, longtime friend, or maybe someone else who’s been in your life for an extended time).
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
Do you feel like you’re attracted to a lofty perspective, or a divine and noble ideal? Are you taking steps to fulfill that ideal, and putting all the necessary energy into it? I’m worried that this ideal is so lofty, so mystical, so idealistic or so fantasy-like, that your thinking mind feels foggy and each step you take is lost in the swirling dream of it all.
Your vision and thinking might be clear one minute, and confusing the next. Ultimately, though, I think you want to communicate something. You want to communicate your ideas and philosophies. However, the reality of human suffering could be interfering with the implementation of the practical philosophy you’re passionate about.
Capricorn, you’re a cardinal sign, which means you’re a natural born leader – the executive who operates the smooth-running machine of the corporation – steering the company slowly and surely along its safe and conservative pathway to success. But do you know what else they say? They say you’d rather avoid the limelight. They say you’d prefer to whisper your plans into the ear of the figurehead, and that you enjoy the sensation of power — especially when no one knows you’re in control. That’s a pretty cool way of going about your business, Capricorn. You get to call the shots, you get to have money, and you don’t have to worry about the “blowback” and judgment in response to your decisions.
What I’m getting at here is that maybe you may need an ally. Maybe you need a partner in crime in your career space now more than ever. Maybe you need a figurehead — or someone you can join forces with — so that you’re not the only one running the show as you assert your highest ambitions in the world. Have you already chosen your ally, Capricorn? If not, it’s time to decide.
Just a quick recap: This month, you may find that your assertive actions – especially regarding the communication of your philosophy — are getting lost in a chaotic sea of dreams, or they just aren’t living up to your expectations. At the same time, are your dreams being stifled by the chaotic suffering of the world? To get around this and achieve your agenda, consider partnering with a trusted ally to build a solid structure that is guaranteed, and I mean foolproof, in its ability to get results.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017
Last week, Aquarius, I was so curious to know what you’ve been doing in secret. You’re still carrying out those plans and activities, no doubt. Perhaps you’re cleaning the skeletons out of your closet via a deep-digging, psychological self-inquiry. Perhaps you’re engaging in spy games with foreign correspondents. More likely, though, you’re doing something that you need or want to do – and you don’t want to ruin either the surprise factor or your ability to succeed by blabbering your plans to the universe. Especially, you don’t want to tell your group of friends and peers because they might not approve.
This week — as the sun peaks its way out of your 8th House of Secrets and into your 9th House of philosophy, foreign places, higher education and big ideas – you may resemble something of a turtle poking its head out of its shell while keeping its legs tucked safely inside. Your long neck is reaching up and out to get a bird’s eye perspective of the situation.
Are you checking to see if the coast is clear? It might be another week before you let the cat out of the bag regarding your cloak-and-dagger activities, but – if you are in need of assistance – now would be the time to start working with your partner in crime. This person is ready to help you get past the wounds, awkwardness and/or lack of self-confidence that could be showing up due to all the secretive activities and/or introspection you’re engaging in. In the meantime, as you poke your head out of the hiding place – but keep doing your work in secret — do look around carefully, stay cautious and make sure the coast is clear before you jump completely out into the light of day.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.
Sept. 25 – Oct. 1, 2017:
This week, I’d like you to investigate how your daily habits and routines could be out of sync with the highest ambitions you have for your career. Perhaps, also, there is some way that your daily activities do not mesh with what you’re known for in the area of your reputation.
There’s an intensity of focus and exactitude available to apply to your daily life right now. This means that you’ll have more ability than ever to focus and zero in on details related to the practical repetitive actions that form the routines of your life. The thing is, I’m worried that this intensity of purpose might conflict with your career ambitions, which you’ve been taking so seriously the last couple years. If that’s the case, you’re going to feel it this week, particularly on Tuesday (U.S. time).
It might feel anxious, as if you know you need to work on building your career, but you’re so focused on your health, diet, brushing your teeth, running errands, and taking care of uninspiring details, that you’re feeling career pressure. Or, when focusing on your reputation – and how you’re known in the world – you’re not sure people have the right impression of you. This could serve to stop you in your tracks. And you might not feel like putting the normal amount of energy into your daily routines this week – even though you really want to be doing that right now.
Every sign is feeling the emotional squeeze box this week, Pisces. In your case, it affects your career and highest ambitions. As such, with the Moon conjunct Saturn in Sagittarius, I’m going to encourage you to take the long view, feel how – with a little bit of perspective – the critical feelings you’re having right now will help you positively in the near and distant future. As a gentle reminder, the more you resist the positive, care-free, and optimistic perspective, the more squeezed you’re probably going to feel.
This horoscope is based on your Sun Sign. In addition to the Sun, there are nine other planets and countless more points of astrological interest that describe you personally. If you want to learn more about your unique birth chart — and the current Astrological aspects affecting it — click the link for your personalized Astrology reading with Jeremy Alan.